Class Teacher's Email Address
Important Notes
P.E. Days
Our P.E. Day in Puffin Class is a MONDAY. On P.E. Days, children need to come to School wearing their P.E. Kit.
*Please ensure that any earrings are removed and long hair is tied back. Thank you!*
Library Day
Our Library Days in Puffin Class are MONDAY, TUESDAY OR THURSDAY. Your child is able to choose a Library Book on one of those days and keep for a week.
*Permission must be given on Arbor before your child is able to take a book*
Reading Books
For those children with a reading book in Puffin Class, it will be changed on a MONDAY and FRIDAY if they have been read at home. Please indicate by completing the grid in your child's blue home-school reading record. Children are expected to practise their reading/blending/word pot at home at least 5 times per week. Children achieving this expectation will receive a reading certificate at the end of the term and earn a treat!
*More information about reading can be found under the 'Curriculum' tab.*