Raunds Park Infant School have been rewarded for their fantastic work within Physical Education, by using it as a tool for whole school development, and providing competitive opportunities for children aged 4-7. Incredibly, last year 80% of KS1 children participated in some form of competitive sport!
Alison Oliver, Chief Executive at the Youth Sport Trust, said:
“Congratulations to Raunds Park Infants for achieving the Youth Sport Trust Silver Quality Mark. Schools which achieve the Quality Mark, share our belief in the value of high quality PE and sport and the positive impact it has on young people’s journey through education."
Sports Premium Downloads
UK Government website (PE and sport premium for primary schools).
Our Aims for PE and School Sport!
- Teach fun, engaging and inclusive PE lessons which enable every child to be challenged and succeed.
- Develop children's fundamental movement skills (agility, balance and co-ordination), healthy competition and co-operative learning.
- Boost the profile of PE and sport across the school.
- Increase opportunities for children to participate in competitive sport.
- Enable children to understand the importance of exercise and leading a healthy life.
Real PE
Once a week children are taught PE by their class teacher. At Raunds Park we follow the Real PE scheme which focuses on improving children's fundamental movement skills through the telling of stories and playing characters. In addition to the physical skills, Real PE works along side 6 'cogs' which are designed to develop the key abilities that children require to be successful within PE and sport and across the curriculum:
Real Gym
This is taught alongside Real PE and uses the same cogs to link them together. It is a new approach to gym that bring meaningfulness and challenges for every child.
Competitive Sport
Why we think competitive sport is important at Raunds Park Infant School:
- It teaches children to manage nerves
- It teaches children to take risks.
- It teaches children to follow the rules.
- It helps to build children's self-esteem.
- It provides children with new opportunities that they may not have had before.
- It is FUN