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At Raunds Park Infant School, our expectation is that all children practise their reading at home at least 5 times per week. There is a huge correlation between children who practise regularly at home and those who are reading at the expected level. 

We ask that reading at home is indicated by a signature and date in the children's blue home-school reading record on the 'Reading Grid' for each term, it is also useful to indicate when the book has been completed so we know when to change it.   We want reading to be something that children enjoy so please make the session with your child a positive and happy experience.

In Years 1 and 2, children are expected to read frequently at home. Reading books are generally changed on a Friday and children are given two books for the week to practise at home.  They are not changed every day as we believe it is essential that books are looked at in depth and the repetition assists children in developing sight vocabulary in addition to word patterns. Children are also encouraged to rpactise their reading skills using their own books from home as well as library books. 

In Reception, the children are given a blending bag and a sound book so that they can become confident with recognising sounds and early blending. When each child is ready they are then given a reading book to take home.

To support reading skills the child can:

  • Read to you
  • Re-tell the story using picture clues
  • Re-tell the story from memory
  • Answer open ended questions about the story e.g. Why do you think that happened?, How do you think he felt?

General Questions to ask your child to aid fluency and comprehension

  • What kind of book did you think this was going to be?
  • Where was the story set?
  • Have you read any other books like this one?
  • Could this really have happened?
  • Who was telling this story?
  • Were there any parts of the story you particularly liked/disliked?
  • What will you tell your friends about this story?
  • Did the story remind you of anything you have done?
  • How did the story start?
  • What happened next?
  • Was there more than one main event?
  • Did you guess the ending?
  • Did you like the ending?
  • How would you have liked it to end?
  • When did the story take place?

It is also important that children read a variety of books and not just their school reading book.

If you need any support with your child's reading, please contact your child's Class Teacher.