Our school uniform is:
- Royal blue sweatshirts or cardigans, with or without our school logo
- White polo shirts
- Dark grey trousers, skirts or pinafore dresses
- Blue and white gingham dresses or dark grey shorts may be worn when the weather permits
- Black shoes - trainers may not be worn.
- Please remember that the children are very active at school, especially at playtime so please ensure that footwear worn allows for safe play and is comfortable.
Please ensure that your child brings clothing appropriate for the weather, e.g. coat, hat, scarf, gloves when it's cold. And a sun hat when it's hot and sunny (sun cream should be applied before school, or children can self apply when needed).
For PE children need a pair of sensible sports footwear (that they can fasten independently), a white T-shirt, navy shorts, jogging bottoms and hoodie. The hoodie is available with the school logo on.
Uniform can now be ordered online from our supplier Karl Sports Clothing - https://ksschoolwear.co.uk/product-category/raunds-park-infant-school/
Karl Sports Clothing
Trafalgar Road, Kettering
Northants, NN16 ADD
Call 01536 601731
Items can be delivered free of charge to school.
Please see photos below of our School uniform and PE Kit expectations.